




Urban Hymn | U.K. | 2015

当面:9月. 4

讨论:9月. 10

A redemptive coming of age story about a wayward teen Jamie (Letitia Wright), 谁受到了凯特的鼓舞, an inspiring and unconventional social worker to use singing as an escape from her troubled background. Jamie's loyalties soon become torn between Kate and her possessive and volatile best friend, Leann.  被提名为最具潜力新人奖 英国独立电影奖.

Director(s): Michael Caton-Jones | 103 minutes | In English with closed captions.

Boy |新西兰| 2010

当面:9月. 11

讨论:9月. 17

Acclaimed director Taika Waititi presents a creative coming-of-age comedy set in 1984, 跟随一个绰号“男孩”的11岁迈克尔·杰克逊狂热粉丝."  他母亲去世,父亲失踪, Boy becomes the head of a household full of kids when his Nana leaves town for a funeral.  不知从哪里冒出来的, Boy's Dad (Waititi) rolls up in a vintage car with his "gang" and turns Boy's life upside down. 有寻宝游戏, fistfights, 和争吵, 男孩努力想知道为什么他的父亲这么久以前离开了这个家.  怀蒂蒂采用一种面无表情的语调,既有韦斯·安德森的风格,也有 协和乐队的飞行, complete with child-like animations and hilarious re-enactments of Michael Jackson music videos. Boy 这是你一年中看到的最有创意的喜剧之一吗.                                  

Director(s): Taika Waititi | 87 minutes | In English with closed captions.

蓝色长袍 摩洛哥| 2022

当面:9月. 18

讨论:9月. 24

Halim and Mina run a traditional caftan store in one of Morocco’s oldest medinas. In order to keep up with the commands of the demanding customers, they hire Youssef. The talented apprentice shows an utmost dedication in learning the art of embroidery and tailoring from Halim. Slowly Mina realizes how much her husband is moved by the presence of the young man.

Director(s): Maryam Touzani | 122 minutes | In Arabic with English subtitles.

Tomorrow |法国| 2015

当面:9月. 25

讨论:10月. 1

Faced with a sense of powerlessness in the face of growing evidence of a coming mass human extinction, Mélanie Laurent (Inglorious Bastards) and activist Cyril Dion travel to ten countries where grassroots pioneers are reinventing their economies and democracies. From Detroit, 在那里,城市农场改变了一座垂死的城市, 到哥本哈根, 那里近70%的能源是可再生能源, 到印度的库塔姆巴坎, 在哪里,参与式民主允许不同的种姓一起工作, 以及世界各地的其他社区,  TOMORROW engages the audience to consider what can and must be done to save our future.

Director(s): Mélanie Laurent and Cyril Dion | 119 minutes | In English and French with English subtitles.

在雅法跳舞 |以色列| 2013

当面:10月. 2

讨论:10月. 8

著名的交际舞演员皮埃尔·杜兰正在表演他的节目, 舞蹈教室, 回到他出生的城市, Jaffa, 教犹太人和巴勒斯坦人一起跳舞和比赛.  The film explores the stories of four children forced to confront issues of identity, segregation, and racism.

Director(s): Hilla Medalia | 90 minutes | In Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles.

另一个儿子 |以色列/巴勒斯坦| 2012

In Person. Oct. 9

讨论:10月. 15

一个det365中文两个年轻人的感人而富有煽动性的故事, one Israeli, 另一个巴勒斯坦人, 谁发现他们在出生时不小心被调换了, 以及对他们自己和各自家庭的复杂影响.Winner of the Tokyo Grand Prix Award and the Award for Best Director at the 东京国际电影节.  "Levy handles with aplomb what could easily have been a messy mix of emotions and politics.——约翰·安德森, Newsday 

Director(s): Lorraine Levy | 105 minutes | In French, Arabic and Hebrew with English subtitles.

Saf |土耳其| 2018


讨论:10月. 22

菲克尔特佩地区的城市转型, Istanbul, is sweeping away the poor communities and Syrian refugees take shelter in deserted buildings. Kamil和他的妻子Remziye被威胁要失去他们的房子. 失业一段时间, Kamil has no other choice than to secretly accept a job at the construction site. 他不仅夺走了一名叙利亚难民的工作, 但同时也在为破坏自己地盘的公司工作. Oppression and anxiety both in his neighbourhood and at work gradually transform him. 卡米尔突然消失了, Remziye将不得不面对他的行为的后果, 这和她以前认识的那个男人不相称. 然而,她还没有准备好放弃.

Director(s): Ali Vatansever | 101 minutes | In Turkish with English subtitles.

世界上最坏的人 挪威| 2021年

当面:10月. 23

讨论:10月. 29

记录了朱莉四年的生活, this modern story about the quest for love and meaning explores a young woman’s navigation of the troubled waters of her love life and career path, 最终让她以现实的眼光看待自己.

Director(s): Joachim Trier | 128 minutes | In Norwegian with English subtitles.

Past Lives |韩国| 2023


讨论:11月. 5

两个青梅竹马, 相隔几十年, are reunited for one fateful week in New York as they confront notions of destiny, love, and the choices that make a life in this heartrending modern romance from filmmaker Celine Song.

Director(s): Celine Song | 105 minutes | In Korean and English with English subtitles.

致生活:人生 |法国| 2014

当面:11月. 6

讨论:11月. 12

Helene, Lili and Rose met in Auschwitz, where the three twenty-year-old Jewish girls were deported. 感谢讲德语的荷兰人Lili, 谁在营地厨房工作, 两个法国女孩幸免于难.  然而,在难民营解放后,他们失去了联系. 丽丽回到了荷兰. 罗斯嫁给了一个曾经被驱逐出境的人,并在加拿大定居下来. 海伦回到了法国的家, 她在哪里遇到了青梅竹马的恋人, 嫁给了他, aware of his impotency caused by sinister doctors carrying out experiments on him in the concentration camp.  Determined to find her old companions, Helene puts an ad in a deportees newspaper. 尽管困难重重,这则广告得到了回应,女人们团聚了. 团聚在法国北部的贝尔克广场举行. The women rediscover each other, as well as help each other to overcome their Auschwitz demons.

Director(s): Jean-Jacques Zilbermann | 104 minutes | In French with English subtitles.

成为阿斯特丽德 瑞典| 2018

当面:11月. 13

讨论:11月. 19

Teenaged Astrid Lindgren, future author of Pippi Longstocking, leads a carefree life in rural Sweden. 渴望摆脱她保守的成长环境, she accepts an internship at a local newspaper where she attracts the attention of its married editor. 在阿斯特丽德怀孕之后, 她离开家去生一个儿子, 她不情愿地把他交给了养母. 当养母生病时, Astrid uses her imagination and flair for storytelling to reconnect with her child.

Director(s): Pernille Fischer Christensen | 123 minutes | In Swedish with English subtitles.

Renoir |法国| 2012

当面:11月. 20

讨论:11月. 26

故事发生在1915年夏天的法国里维埃拉, 让·雷诺阿,印象派画家的儿子, Pierre-Auguste -- returns home to convalesce after being wounded in World War I. At his side is Andrée, a young woman who rejuvenates, enchants, and inspires both father and son.  这部历史剧在电影院放映 戛纳电影节 并获得了八项提名 César Awards and 卢米埃奖.

Director(s): Gilles Bourdos | 111 minutes | n French with English subtitles.

《迷失巴黎:巴黎之殇 |加拿大| 2016

当面:11月. 27

讨论:12月. 3

影片以多米尼克·阿贝尔和菲奥娜·戈登标志性的异想天开风格拍摄, 迷失巴黎 stars the filmmakers as a small-town Canadian librarian and a strangely seductive, 奇怪的自负的流浪汉.

官方甄选 碲化物电影节. 稀有珍珠奖的获得者 丹佛国际电影节“献给塔蒂和卓别林的迷人颂歌…… indieWire

董事:Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon | 82 minutes | In French and English with English subtitles.